Lloyd McCabe – Chip Carving Chess Set
Lloyd explains his project: I used basswood as a wood for the men and playing board. Chip carving technique was used. I spent the time over the winter at varying intervals to complete the project. The dark players were stained first and then carved. I got my stimulation from a somewhat similar set in a magazine and then Tab Dudley showed me a set that he had done but wasn’t chip carved. He showed me a challenge and I was off. The challenge gave me energy and the pleasure.
At this time it is not for sale although I have already had an offer.
Craig Miller – “Ice Capades”
Craig Miller explains his project: One sea lion playing in the ice (at the beginning when it was still a work in progress.). It is soapstone Green toned streaked with grey and black. Process used was lots of imagination; hours of filing scraping and sanding. Plus a lot of thinking to get it to fit to the base while still preserving the integrity of the carving.
The base is maple finished to a high gloss black. The soapstone is attached at a single point to make it look like it is ready to slip off the base. The black base enhances the black in the stone. The attachment point of the carving has a brass tube inserted in both the carving and the base. Another brass tube fits inside this and is used to join the carving and the base.